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COVID-19 & Renovations Update

Posted: Jan 12, 2023

So, we are no longer enforcing COVID-19 procedures per se. We are still waiting on most clients outside. We are still asking all visitors inside the building mask prior to entry. For example, all kennel tours are done wearing masks. Our employees may or may not mask while waiting on clients and you may or may not mask while we serve you. We do ask that some basic common sense is applied. If you just tested positive for COVID, flu, or any other contagious illness, stay home. If you must come, let us know and we can process your credit card over the phone. We ask that you respect that we run a 24/7 facility and we try to ensure we are as healthy as possible. We are a small business, and unlike your large franchises, we do not have unlimited staff to allow for multiple people out at a time. Each person has a role in our facility.

FAQ’s Regarding our COVID Policies

Why do some people mask and not others?
Honestly, this is a private question, and my staff doesn’t need to answer this. I do because I am immune compromised and work more hours than most healthy people. Therefore, I do everything I can to ensure I stay as healthy as I am able to do. I am also the person who waits on the clients that show up and tell us they have COVID, Flu, Crud, etc. If there is additional risk to be taken, I try to take it rather than ask my staff to do so. When I get sick, while I am often not contagious, I am sick for a very long time. I prefer not to be sick. Also, masking has helped me with my allergies. Each person needs to assess their own personal risk. I fully-support my staff in their choices while dealing with the public. We ask that you do as well.

Why are you still not letting people inside if you are not afraid of COVID?
Well, the answer is not as simple as COVID or not. We do let people inside. We allow people to schedule tours and as we finish renovations we will change. Creatures is about doing what works for each individual. This isn’t cookie cutter care. There are other facilities that offer a more cookie cutter approach. During the course of the pandemic, there was a significant increase in both adoptions of pets with anxiety and the creation of anxiety in pets (mostly separation anxiety). This translates to dogs getting anxious when they hear people coming and going, dogs that are stressed by new people and pets that require some level of behavior management. Having people come in and look over our grooming room door all day will only stress these pets out. We want every pet to have the best possible experience that they can have so to help reduce their stress levels we are limiting the number of strangers any pet has to see while in our facility. Most pets thrive in an environment based in confidence and trust. Should anyone have an individual concern we are happy to oblige, but we feel strongly that this is in the best interest of your pets. We specialize in difficult animals and we are able to continue this service because of the limited foot-traffic and their level of distraction is limited to what we allow. This helps us to create a more trusting environment for these difficult dogs. When your veterinarian takes your dog “in the back”. It is the same concept. The pet is not feeding off your anxiety and emotion and usually allows them to do more than if you are in the room worried. In our building, we don’t have a “back room”. So this is our way of reducing your pet’s stress while here. If this is too stressful for you, we are happy to video your grooming or send pictures so that you can be reassured how your pet is being handled. I can assure you, we love animals and will gladly try to accommodate any request we can to make you feel better. Most clients have enjoyed our curbside service, as it makes your life easier, especially in bad weather. We do not charge extra for this service and are happy to do it!

Will my pets get COVID from me or anyone else?
For this we suggest you read he CDC website and discuss this fear with your veterinarian. Cats, in particular, are more prone to upper respiratory infections and there is evidence of cats getting sick from their owners. We do recommend masking around your cat should you be ill.

Will your COVID Policies ever end?
At this point they have ended. This is just our new normal. I am always happy to reevaluate the situation, discuss it with my staff, and modify. We believe that things are fluid and we have to be willing to change as needed. We also believe in protecting both the humans and animals in our care.

FAQ’s Regarding our ongoing renovations

What are the renovations being done at Creatures and how do they impact my pet’s stay?
Well, the reason our renovations take so long is because we only use contractors that we explicitly trust around the animals. Typically, my husband does most of our renovations. As a licensed contractor he is not only skilled, but he has a special knowledge of many of your pets. When he does work after hours he does go through and see who needs to be accommodated. He also does as much of the cutting, grinding, sanding and things that cause noise outside as he possible can. Since he does work full-time, and he is only allowed to work here when it will not stress anyone, he is limited on when he can come. When we use other ‘outside’ contractors we work with ex-employees who are now contractors to ensure the that they pay attention to the same considerations. Your animal’s welfare comes first.

We do have one renovation that will impact grooming significantly as it will take our grooming room out of commission for a minimum of three days (maybe four). The floor in our grooming room will require significant accommodations and we will notify everyone impacted when we refinish the floors in our grooming room.

After renovations are done, can we come in?
Once we have a double door system preventing dogs from slipping out of our grooming room into our lobby, Yes, we will readjust.